Our research strategy


We don't just invest in projects, we invest in people. And we're building a vibrant community of vision researchers, fostering collaboration and accelerating progress.

Scientific researcher sitting in her lab, surrounded by equipment

Scientific research is at the heart of our vision to Save sight. Change lives. We fund brilliant minds delivering impact in eye research. Our research strategy sets out how we’ll do that. 

Our strategy focuses on the four stages of the vision loss pathway: 

  • Understanding how eye conditions start
  • Preventing them from happening
  • Diagnosing vision loss sooner
  • Finding new treatments

We don't just invest in projects, we invest in people. Our training and development programs equip researchers with the skills and connections they need. We're building a vibrant community of vision researchers, fostering collaboration and accelerating progress.

Our research strategy fuels ground-breaking projects across all career stages. We offer funding for PhD Studentships, Fellowships, Small Grants, and Project Grants. And we have big plans to work in partnership to fund Grand Challenges to answer the biggest questions in vision loss.

Are you a researcher with a burning desire to prevent, treat, or cure sight loss? Our strategy will help you match your funding application to our strategic goals - so that together, we can make a world of difference.

Together, we are stronger. We’ll work with you from your application through to publishing your research and communicating it widely. Let's unlock the future of vision research, today.

Download the research strategy as a PDF Download the research strategy as an accessible word doc

  • £20 million
    The amount we’ll invest in research over our five-year strategy period
Alan Stitt in research lab, surrounded by equipment

“I am excited by the huge ambition embedded in this strategy.”

Alan Stitt Chair of our Research Grants Assessment Panel
Meet our grants assessment panel

Any questions? 

You can contact our scientific research team with your questions or for support by email.

Get in touch
A woman having an eye examination

Latest research news 

Edit DNA on Large scale genetic analysis of hereditary eye diseases
Research Blog
Large scale genetic analysis of hereditary eye diseases
Large scale genetic analysis of hereditary eye diseases
Clinician shining torch into child's eye
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Genetics combined with long years of schooling can lead to myopia in children
Genetics combined with long years of schooling can lead to myopia in children
Close up of an iris.
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Investigating the potential to regenerate the optic nerve
Investigating the potential to regenerate the optic nerve