Spring into action with fundraising ideas for brighter days on the first day of spring

20 March 23

written by:

Sarah Kidner

(more articles)

March 20 is officially the first day of spring. As the nights get lighter and the weather brightens, why not ‘spring into action’ with our fundraising ideas?

Fight for Sight and Vision Foundation are merging. Spring presents multiple opportunities to get involved with us.

Having a spring clear out? Donate your unwanted item to Vision Foundation’s shops. Each bag of clothes is worth £30.  Alternatively, you could get a stand at the local car boot sale. It’s a fun day out, and at the same time, you could help fund research by donating the proceeds.

Remember to request your t-shirts, collection boxes and posters from our fundraising team before the sale by emailing events@fightforsight.org.uk.

Outdoor activities are more appealing as the weather improves. Why not set yourself a challenge and set up a JustGiving page where you can collect sponsorship for Fight for Sight?

Are you stuck for ideas?

  • Couch to 5k is a great app to help you as a newbie runner. Park Run parkrun.org.uk offers free local 5k runs to take part in!
  • For runs of all lengths across the UK, go to https://findarace.com/
  • Looking for something more challenging, why not consider taking on an Iron Man or an Ultra Challenge?

All that’s left is setting up your JustGiving page and collecting sponsorship!

Take on 286 and fundraise for us

From the first day of spring, 286 days of the year remain. Take on a new challenge and pledge to complete 286 of something you love. Running, walking, cycling, or swimming? Or keep it simple and aim to raise £286 from several challenges.

Pick a goal: 286 minutes, 286 laps, 286 repetitions?

Set up a fundraising page and raise what you can – don’t forget to send your pictures of the challenges to us at info@fightforsight.org.uk.